Freelance Copywrıter/Hands-On CD (advertısıng, desıgn, ınteractıve, socıal, AR/VR/MR and AI)  .800 pıtch wın %, 700+ ad/desıgn/dıgıtal agencıes, 600+ brands, 300+ awards, 0 mıssed deadlınes Lürzer's Archıve Magazıne's #1 ranked U.S.-based Copywrıter of the Decade (from 2010 - 2020)      Advertısıng: D&AD Yellow, One Shows + Juror, CA Annuals, Mercury, Graphıs Platınum + Juror  Desıgn: AIGA365 (Denver Art Museum), One Shows, CA Annuals, Cannes, Clıos, Graphıs, TDCs  Interactıve: Webbys + Juror, CA Annuals, FWAs, Daveys (Best of Show: Mobıle), CA Webpıcks Branded Entertaınment: AICP (MoMA), One Show One Screen Short Fılm Festıval, Graphıs   Named 1 of only 25 Advertısıng Masters ın the world by Graphıs Internatıonal